Top 4 things I learned from 104 days of breathwork
Photo taken on Google Pixel 3
I'm always down for a challenge. One hundred four days of breathwork, now that's a long-term commitment. But with 2020, there's been plenty of time to fill since going out isn't an option. Eager to fill up that void with something that wasn't screen time, a daily practice of breathwork seemed like the perfect journey to take.
For this year's virtual Spirit Weaver's I was excited to sign up for Breath of Manifestation: Quetzalcoatl Breathwork taught by Aki Hirata Baker. This ancient practice derives from the ancient Toltec/Aztec texts translated by Serigo Magana Ocelocoyotl. Due to this practice's sacredness, it's best that I not go too much into detail. If you are interested, check out the above for Sergio's book and Aki's website. Now back to the class description: "designed to awaken your inner power, heal seven generations and living families." SOLD. The class was kismet for my quarantine locked down. Plus, if not for me, I had to at least try for my ancestors, right? So I dove headfirst and committed to this powerful exercise. Here are my key takeaways:
Discipline. To complete this series, I knew I had to make it a top priority. If I missed a day, the practice resets back to day 1. To hold myself accountable, I wrote out all 104 days and logged my experience after each session. Crucial during the quarantine as time is blending into itself. A highlight of all this discipline? It organically spilled over into other areas of my life. Suddenly, my workouts and my creative practice were non-negotiables—a win-win for my future self.
I got a whole new perspective and respect for the body. In the first week, the deep breathing sequences woke up my lower chakras. I could feel each chakra light up as I went through the exercise. I'll never forget the first half of the practice where my root chakra was so on fire I could have sworn the Quetzalcoatl was making its move up my spine. Also, shout out to our lungs, especially during this time. Using the full range of them had me realizing how poor my breathing technique has been. Forget the coffee and just breathe deep into your lower diaphragm for at least 5 minutes. You'll have a pick me up that won't give you a caffeine crash.
My love and connection for Mother Earth deepen even further. Halfway through the 104 days, I got an overwhelming urge to start going to the beach. Not my usual pattern as I prefer trails in Griffth Park. My workouts at the beach would end with a 2-mile walk in the water–perfect for grounding and observing the great sea herself, Binah. So powerful witnessing the world around me, it was almost surreal. Maybe it's all that oxygen that's unleashing the trippy vibes.
Synchronicities with my ancestors. I really didn't know much about my lineage but random information would just pop up from either a relative or regarding previous family members. Add in that my meditation practice had a few exciting experiences. It’s hard to explain unless you too have gone astral traveling. ;)
So did I awaken to my inner power in 104 days? I'm leaning towards yes as my new sense of discipline has me high on accomplishments. I am more alert, aware, and connected than 104 days ago.
If you want to learn more about this practice, be sure to reach out to Aki and pick up Serigo Magana Ocelocoyotl's book.
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