Get Ready for 30 Days of #HappyHourClub + The Instagram Challenge!


 Yes, you read that right and you are probably thinking I'm completely crazy BUT before we get ahead of ourselves, let's get to the nitty-gritty of this instagram challenge and what the 30 days of #happyhourclub is all about. First things first: 30 Days of #happyhourclub

Starting September 1st, I'll be sharing a variety of crazy cocktails that would have Wonka buzzin'. But let's get things straight: I am by no means a mixologist, so these libations I'm posting are for fun. Some are completely crazy and will probably have you pondering why on earth would anyone drink that? But someone did and they enjoyed it. So there. I've spent the last month creating a variety of infusions that have filled my entire fridge, syrups that made the BevMo guy say, You might make a million dollars from this absurd craziness you're talking about. (God bless that man. Really though, I just hope you enjoy the journey as much as I have. Big ups to those daring enough to have tried these cocktails and those who have helped me get this project started.

Now on to the Instagram challenge:

#happyhourclub started as an idea I had in February to get meet my online community in person. Fast forward to 8 months later, I've met amazing people, traveled to fun events and created hilarious momentslike the time I popped champagne all over The Unique Space's kitchen. That's one way to make it rain! But it's now time for #happyhourclub party to get busy online. I want to see how you do your #happyhourclub! Post pictures of your favorite drink, who's in your HHC crew and when you do your happy hour. Each day I'll regram one person's photo and at the end of the month, I'll do a special #happyhourclub event in LA at The Unique Space featuring your drink! So what are you waiting for...start this long weekend off right and join in on the fun!

Not a fan of booze? Well, that's ok! Post your favorite mocktail! I've done events where the shots were juice and water. I don't always hit the sauce! ;)