Commuter's Playlist: Music to Help You Survive Your Commute

Commuter's Playlist: Music to Help You Survive Your Commute

Commuting has been my thing for the last 2 years and I quickly learned how to entertain myself while being stuck in the car for 2 hours or more a day. Unfortunately I exhausted my music and podcast resources. No longer were my TED talks, pandora stations or Hype Machine favorites cutting it. So enter in Sam, my knight in shining armor, equipped to slay the road rage dragon with Sirus XM U radio. Thanks to this station and their series Blog Radio, I can now honestly say my Los Angeles commute is doable (at least for now). So in order to celebrate this small victory, I've created a spotify playlist, Commuter's Playlist which I'll be adding to the mix daily so you can discover some new music that hasn't been exhausted by your local DJ. (Sidebar: can they please stop playing the same crap over and over???)

This week I'm starting off the playlist with a couple of favorites; some new and some just discovered this past week. The first 6 are: Charli XCX, Cayucas, Alpine, Wild Belle, Foxygen and Porcelain Raft. I noticed while compiling this list that it looks like I've developed a crush on Australian bands. I'm blaming this on Red Parka—a great blog out of Tasmania featuring creatives and wonderful art that I've been addicted too. Check it out and while your at it set the mood with the tunes below.