Blah, blah, blah....

Dog on Skates / Source Unknown

Why this cartoon? Well, because every time I try to write a blog post my damn computer decides to give me the pinwheel which is like someone flipping you off. It's annoying and not the way I wanted to start this short work week. I'm taking a risk right now trying to get this damn post up. All because I need to vent before going into the office.

If you would have asked me last week, if I was excited about having a 4 day weekend, the answer would have been hell yes BUT now that it has passed, I have to say no, it did not meet my high expectations for relaxing but instead filled with annoying emails flooding my inbox. What happened to the days you could just unplug and not have to stress about work? I know I could have easily turned off the phone and disappeared into Mammoth's snowy mountains but reality is I couldn't. Let's just say some people suck and don't now how to take responsibility. Regardless my crankiness should soon go away as Sam and I have a few fun adventures to look forward to this week. Besides cleaning up those messes I briefly mentioned above, we'll be doing the following:

Hamburger Mary's Legendary Bingo with the girls

2 birthday celebrations

1  Wedding (Next time I need to look at the invite before I commit - didn't realize it was so far)

1 Oscar Party Potluck (Prepare dish on Saturday)

and then off to Palm Springs for eTail conference (a solo mission)

Forget everything above though, this past weekend made me realize I need to get my shit together. The rat race that has become my life isn't fun anymore. It's too much. So during all this chaos, I need to find my zen spot ASAP. Contemplating a couple of resources to make this happen but it takes commitment and hopefully I'll be able to follow through this time. Cheers to the 4 day work week and let's pray it really is only 4 days. Until we reach bliss, enjoy this playlist featuring the sweet soul soothing sounds of Steven Halpern: