week 07.22.16

Hello weekend! Keeping this short as lots going on and little time to really get things on paper. For this weekend, the adventure begins with flower shopping, a little shoot and PHISH. Random mix right? Have to keep things interesting. Some of my favorite reads and videos from my googling this week:

Gala's got it right...zip it! Sometimes it's best to adhere to the idea of Mum's the word for your own self. Keep things close to your chest. In a time where oversharing is the normal, when creating your own magic in the development process, it's best to keep your magic close to your heart. I've learned this lesson the hard way – things change and people do too, so even bestie should be on the no tell list. Hard I know but worth it! Don't worry, bestie may be there to celebrate in the end. :P

What can we learn from Axel? Never say never. Guns N' Roses will always be one of my favorites – influenced by my brothers with their teenage rebellions. I've seen Slash performed a few times in his pop up concerts fundraising for homeless youth. Have to say he is truly amazing guitar player and if you haven't seen him yet, you need to. As for Axel, I saw him at the Gibson and it was good. November Rain goes straight to my heart. Now the whole band is back together and touring. This isn't new news since they did Coachella but it's good to see they are pulling out the classics for the tour. Read it here.

Don't be surprised if you see Sam and I building a tiny house once we are back from our travels. Kudos to this team and their $420 budget. ;)

One point for drones on this one and for the teen that was a good Samaritan with his Phantom4 drone. Read it here.

I'm so thankful for Doreen Virtue. She's absolutely lovely and her love for animals just makes life so much better. She is graciously offering a free download of her eBook, Don’t Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle. A great read for anyone who needs to shine up their sparkle boots. ;)

One of my favorite women inspiring so much goodness is Louise Androlia. She shared a beautiful piece on The Numinous called EMPOWERED ACTION IN THE FACE OF TRAUMA

I've been waiting for a year for this movie. The Secret Life of Pets is way too much fun. Plus, Chloe the cat acts just like our Kukui!