no. 6 / last minute halloween makeup ideas

Halloween is in the air and I can't seem to get quotes from the movie Hocus Pocus out of my mind. Especially ones that center around the virgin who lit the candle, Max and the adorable black cat, Thackery Binx (sometimes mistaken for Zachary).

Hey Hollywood.
Come little children, I'll take thee away / Into a land of enchantment / Come little children, the times come to play / Here in my garden of magic.

He's a little leaguer! 

There's more zingers from that movie than I can list here but sadly in the house of House of Berrini, the passion for Hocus Pocus isn't shared by Mr. B. He's more into the scare and gore for Saint Hallow's Eve. I'm way too sensitive for that stuff thanks to my older brothers who thought it was cute to tortured me with Children of the Corn when I was a kid. (Ugh, it's the truth.)

Regardless Sam and I are both huge fans of Halloween but this year we've been cleaning out the house and I donated a majority of my Halloween decor and my costume collection of items that frankly had way too much Playa dust on them from Burning Man. I pondered purchasing a costume but damn it I really do not want to spend any cash. So I started thinking, why not created a mood board of what I could possibly be? Lord knows I have plenty of items around the house to repurpose and my junk drawer of makeup from my freelance makeup artist days needs to be put to good use. Yes, it's been awhile since those cosmetic days but a good body glitter doesn't expire, right?

Since our night will be filled with dancing at Bootie LA this costume must be breathable and a little forgiving as the road trip across country costed me more than gas money. (Calories aren't your friend on the road!) Comfty shoes are a sure thing...I'm sure Bootie will have Dead Man's Party blasting at some point and I need to get my THRILLER on for sure as well. So luckily I have hightop sneakers and combat boots for options. But the clothes of the night, I'm calling upon the spirits of the Haunted Mansion to help me out. So far I'm leaning towards witchy witch in honor of the Sanderson Sisters or a hippie passing out peace and love to all those around. (I think the world could use some right about now). Either way expect a full face of crazy makeup. You can see below where my head's at:

Last Minute Halloween Makeup Ideas


images sourced from: Main image featured from Lotstar / Face full of Glitter found on beyondthemag / Red Eye Shadow + Horns from jamienelson (lotstar makeup artist) / black lace beauty found on makeup artist @samuelpaulmakeup