Cocktail Curator: Sharmila Ray

#HappyHourClub: Old Fashions (Johnnie Walker Red Label Infused with Chai Tea)

I’m extremely excited about this Old Fashion featuring a chai tea scotch infusion because it combines my love for Johnnie Walker and one of my favorite people I’ve met in the last year. Meet Sharmila Ray or for those that know her, Shar for short. Shar and I met during a tour of the Bourbon and Goose studio. Well, actually #207 then but hey you know what I mean. Quickly Shar and I hit it off, mainly because she’s good people and has a sense of humor that’s in line with my own —two key ingredients necessary in any relationship. Shar also has been helpful in helping me connect with the right person if I need anything for the studio, #happyhourclub or website. Basically, she gets shit done. So when Shar told me about her screening for her film You Follow and the speciality cocktail for the night, I did a double take. Well, a week later it was a match made in #happyhourclub heaven. See the recipe below for this smooth Old Fashion that will have you singing Mr. Walker’s motto, Keep Walking all night long. Seriously, it’s got caffeine thanks to the black tea it’s mixed with. See recipe below Q&A.

B&G: What’s the story behind this crafty cocktail?
I needed to make a specialty cocktail for all the guests that were coming to a private screening of my documentary “You Follow: A Search For One’s Past” and I wanted a cocktail that would fit with the Indian/American vibe that the film has.

B&G: Who would be your ideal muse for this libation?
The wonderful Chai tea that you drink on the street of Mumbai…

B&G: What’s the perfect pairing for this afternoon delight?
We served samosas from Badmaash. Indian street food is amazing…and samosas are classic, plus they serve them in movie theaters in India as an alternative to popcorn.

B&G: Describe your ideal Happy Hour moment.
The first drink on that Friday afternoon when you had a really hard week. It tastes so good once it touches the lips!

B&G: Where can we find you?
Portfolio: Sharmila Ray, You Follow—the film, The Unique Space / instagram

#HappyHourClub: Old Fashion Infused with Chai Tea

For the Infusion

  1. 6 Chai Tea Bags
  2. 1 Handle of Johnnie Walker Red Label

For the Drink

  1. 1 Part Chai Tea Scotch Infusion
  2. 1 Spoonful of Moomtaz Dates Syrup
  3. Dash of Angostura Orange Bitters
  4. 1 Slice of Orange Peel
  5. Matches for Orange Peel


  1. 24 hours prior your drinking event, place the 6 chai tea bags into the handle of Johnnie Walker. Let infusion sit overnight and remove next day. Roughly about 12 hours.
  2. Next, place the ingredients into your tumbler (minus the orange peel of course) and shake. Pour into your highball glass. Take a pairing knife and cut a piece of orange peel. Now it's time to light your match. Pass the flame back and forth along orange peel to help bring the oils to the surface. After it flames, rub the peel on the rim of the glass.

From Behind The Bar

  1. -If you prefer a lighter chai infusion use half the amount of tea bags
  2. -Practice lighting your citrus peel with this great video from CHOW tip: