Behind The Scenes: Bastille Day

Happy Bastille Day! While I started my celebration early a couple of weeks ago with 2 fun photo shoots, I hope you are celebrating everything French today. Life is all about celebrating, right?  The first shoot involved a pattern party at Very Sarie's filled with food, drinks, an adorable pup all in honor of the beautiful 'bonjour' printables designed by Sarah. Really, it wasn't work as we were having too much fun being in our element. Next shoot was all about Parisian style with LA style blogger and stylist, Adri from Adri Lately. While Adri and I hit the streets on what had to be one of the hottest days yet in the LA sun, we took Franklin Hills by stormguerrilla style. I have to say this was our best fashion collaboration yet. We had many triumphs like a quiet day at Broome Street General sipping lattes in the name of fashion, dodging cars on the Shakespeare Bridge and an impromptu shoot of one tiny car that would make the Pink Panther blush. Be sure to check out all the photos at Very Sarie and Adri lately. Bonjour! Adri Lately's Style Post for Bastille Day Adri Lately's Style Post for Bastille Day Very Sarie's Pattern Party featuring 'Bonjour' printables inspired by Bastille Day Very Sarie's Pattern Party featuring 'Bonjour' printables inspired by Bastille Day