3 Good Things: People Helping Others

Shoot For The Moon Juggling work, the blog and life has been a challenge making this week pretty rough. I'd like the blame the full moon with the eclipse that happened this past weekend but truth is that I just haven't been feeling like myself. The commute has me on burn out, items I really want (and need) to do have been pushed to the side. So I'm putting it out there that I'm getting back into the grind this week. I realized that I need a heavy dose of inspiration in order to do so. Starting today, Thursdays will be all about 3 Good Things; a series that will help keep you (and me) inspired in humanity and life. Basically, a simple weekly reminder that life is beautiful when kindness, gratitude and creative opportunities come together.

Today's Theme: Helping Others Inspired by a Facebook post (see below), this one came at the right time. With the natural disaster that happened in Oklahoma and the flooding occurring at my cousins in Iowa (which isn't getting much coverage?) I needed to see that humanity was kind. Luckily I follow some amazing people on instagram, facebook and twitter. Get ready to be inspired and empowered to do more and stop being a sour puss.

Remember how I mentioned this theme was inspired by a Facebook post? Well, thanks to my friend Mandy, Veronika's story made it's way into my newsfeed. Veronika developed a product for an audience that most people overlook: the homeless. The best part about the Empowerment Plan is Veronika's mission to provide an opportunity to the homeless outside of the coat/sleeping bag. She's getting them involved by hiring them; providing a new skill set and an opportunity that has been very hard for these individuals to get. Read more about her story thanks to PBS and be sure to check out her site.

Kelly Beall from Design Crush: Saving Animals #okstrong

It's hard to believe how much destruction Mother Nature can make within minutes, she reminded us of this when the tornadoes hit Oklahoma. Like most of us, I was not prepared to see another situation to Hurricane Sandy. My heart immediately sank but was revived by the resilience of Oklahoma. Immediately after, people were picking up and moving forward. One of my favorite bloggers and designers, Kelly Beall of Design Crush, was in the thick of all of it. This incredible woman has made it her mission to help reunite animals and owners who have been separated. Every day since the disaster, she has been instagraming touching images of animals which hits my core. I truly admire her work and dedication to help her town move forward. Follow Design Crush on instagram here and be sure to check out Kelly's blog if you haven't already.

Last but certainly not least, I fell hard for Emily Henderson even more after seeing her latest post where she transformed a contest winner, Fran, home at Sunrise Senior Living. If this picture doesn't melt your heart, then you need to see if you have one. Just kidding, but no seriously, go get checked. Read all about Fran and Emily's experience here. It will inspire you to look at situations in a whole new light.

Fran’s Sunrise Senior Living Makeover

Have a story or someone that inspires you? Tell us about it in the comment section below!