Let the Birthday Month Begin!

March Wise Words

Finally February is over with and my birthday month has begun! Forget the big theme parties, this year I'm changing it up. I'm making a list of what I want to accomplish: new habits and detoxing items from my life. Why? Because I've found that I'm just not living the life that I had envisioned. The younger me thought by now I would have an exercise routine in place, be a penny pincher and an expert at letting things go. I can't tell you how excited I am to go on this journey. As you'll see there are some RANDOM items but that's part of the fun.

1. Toss old socks: Seriously, I can't take it anymore. Some of these socks end up around my arches by midday. It's annoying and must be gone by the 29th.

2. Fix shoes: resole them so I don't make that annoying metal stomp noise at work. Trust me, it's annoying.

3. Donate clothes that don't fit, that aren't my style anymore and holey items that aren't my CHASER LA shirts.

4. Sell car. This one bums me out but with a commute of over 50 miles a day, I need to cut back on gas and save money. Luckily for Sam and me we have another car. It's just not a Lexus. :(

5. Sell 2 big items that have been on my list (long story)

6. Enjoy Lianne La Havas at the El Rey on March 20th. If you haven't heard her beautiful voice yet, start listening now on our spotify.

7. Walk the dogs daily. Willie Nelson and Buju need to stop being lazy bums like their Mom and Dad. At this current moment, they are both sleeping and one is snoring.

8. Use my burke williams gift card

9. Sign up for coaching, specifically with Melanie Biehle from Inward Facing Girl. By following her on twitter, I can see that she would be a perfect fit for me. She has an amazing approach, kind heart and is creative: a perfect combo!

10. Make the blog a priority.

11. Do Dr. Oz's 3 day Detox Drink Cleanse. I've done Blue Print Cleanse but this time I want to save money and use the kitchen more. After making the bacon bark, I've become a fan of cooking and baking. Hopefully blending counts.

12. Bring my lunch 3 times a week to work. (See the savin' money theme?)

13. Get taxes completed by end of March (If you know me well, you know I NEVER get my taxes completed by the April and always take an extension)

14. Change last name (another long story)

15. Take personal time to unplug (no phone, no email, no twitter for at least 15 mins a day)

16. Recover chair that's in Sam's workshop. We planned on doing the recover ourselves but time hasn't allowed for that. Found a local shop and going to get a bid. Once that's done, let the fabric shopping begin!

17. Remove the piles of clothes all over my side of the bedroom. A habit that was formed in the 80s that annoys Sam.

18. Ride my bike more. This one should be easy as Atwater Village has so many great spots like the Los Angeles River and Griffith Park near by.

19. Use my Pop Physique groupon (I only have 7 days left!)

20. Read Yes Chef Memoir by Marcus Samuelsson . I heard an interview on NPR and was hooked. Sam and I were obsessed with Next Iron Chef.

21. Add more RAM to my laptop. With work being done at home and writing more for the blog, this is crucial or I might pull an old lady move and throw it out the window.

22. Write a blog post about Sam and my trip to Mammoth before the snow melts.

23. Gather up a group of friends for a day of hitting all our favorite beach hot spots from Malibu to Manhattan Beach for my guest post coming up on Allie Lehman's City Guides series. I am so excited for this I can't wait!

24. Use items that I purchased over the last year and haven't done anything with. Main item: Brazil Butt Lift. Yes I bought this and only watched 5 minutes of it. Once March is over with, as a reward I'll sign up for Nicole's personal wardrobe overhaul and visit Johanna at the Closet for a new look. If you haven't heard of both these fabulous women, you need to asap: Nicole from the Wardrobe Code and the Closet.

25. Purchase tickets to Alt San Fransisco for a trip to the city and fun in Napa afterward.

26. Focus on spending time with people that I want to be surrounded by. Say no to those that drain the energy from me and don't have my best interest at heart.

27. Complete my Skillshare course with flying colors. (Must do homework ASAP)

28. Start practicing yoga at Bikram Yoga of Silverlake again.

29. Commit to a wake up schedule!

For now this is my list. I know I'll think of more as the day goes on. It's a ton of items but it's time to reach of the stars and get ish done. I'll try my best and hopefully a majority will be achieved. Comment below on what you hope to achieve this month and we can motivate each other!