Goodbye January...

weekly wrap / super bowl / sofar LA / Bottega Louie Sam and I just couldn't keep up with January, so much going on and in a blink it was over with. So to honor the first month of the year, I'll do a quick recap to what adventures we had in Atwater Village this past month:

  1. New Year's at the new place with a small group of close friends meant we started off 2013 on the right foot.
  2. January also marks the month we fell in love with Willie Nelson and made the commitment to honor this little guy who we rescued from Baldwin Park Shelter.
  3. Top concerts for the month: MS MR at the Echo / Pinback at the El Rey / Boots Electric at Los Globos
  4. Sofar LA introduced us to 4 new bands that we just added to our list of most notable and upcoming (will be posting later this week)
  5. Blogger Brunch meet up at Bottega Louie / excited to get to know some fabulous Los Angeles Bloggers
  6. Geeky Glamorous art show at JapanLA / Mandie threw a kick ass event / Looking forward to the next.
  7. Filled the new home with Fab finds / a habit I must admit I need to stop
  8. Discovered Lianne La Havas
  9. Chopped off my hair / Still adjusting to it
  10. Spent Super Bowl with family and good friends