Will you go to Fake Prom with me? A UNIQUE LA benefit to help Inner-City Arts

Will you go to FAKE PROM with me? Those are words I recently asked Sam as Unique LA put me up to it. To my surprise, Sam said yes! (Thank God! Imagine the embarrassment if he said no?!?!) But I should have know he would be interested as the man LOVES any excuse to get into costume (remember the MY LITTLE PONY art show last year - if you don't I have a photo somewhere of him dressed as applejack). Since I didn't have to convince Sam with my flawless pitch on all the reasons why we should go, so I figured best to share with you:

1. You're doing something good with your ticket purchase.

100% of fake prom profits are donated to Inner-City Arts, an education program located in Downtown LA that helps underprivileged kids get the art education they need.

2. An excuse to recreate your prom experience in another decade or create one if you never went to prom. Check out Unique LA's promspiration page here for a few laughs and some serious costume planning. For me, I'm a devoted fan of the 80's so you can only guess how far Sam and I are going to take it. (Stay tune for a follow up post)

3. It's the weekend BEFORE Valentine's Day so start your week off ahead of everyone else by being crazy in love with your honey. The award-winning setting of Inner-City Arts is gorgeous and sure to be a an amazing backdrop for #fakeprom.

If it's not too late and you already have a tux or vintage dress in the closet, join us tonight. Word on the street is they just released 30 more tickets!