Current State: AAAAH

AAAH (Source: my-tumblrisbetterthanyours) Why? Because I'm overwhelmed with things I want to do and can't get to. My dad would say this is when you learn to prioritize BUT that's still a trait I have yet to master when it comes to my own life. Instead I ride the wave of being easily distracted (outside of work) and welcome a chance to play. Now that I'm typing this, maybe I'm just balancing out how I am with my 9-5 (which we all really know it's 9-9).

Earlier this month I made a list of resolutions like the rest of the world and as you can see I am trying, right? I mean, just because my blog posts aren't some BIG revelations doesn't mean they don't count. Or wait, maybe they don't? Either way I'll gamble that by the end of this year that "A'llo" post will make me laugh more times than this one.

Speaking of distractions, I better get ready for work. I can hear that whistle blowin' and the 405 callin'.